Thursday, May 14, 2009

Open Letter to The Tennessean

To The Editor:

I find it most disturbing and ironic that, in a time when news organizations are closing left and left, you would devote space to a former editor (and his wife) to review the latest wines that have come into the marketplace. Now, in better times I may have taken a moment to look at the pictures and labels of the wines they touted but in these troubled months there are better things – or darker things – to consider. It’s also amusing to me that a man so dedicated to liberal thoughts, words and actions would be engaged in such haughty, class-bashing antics. Why is he not out in the community feeding the poor, teaching the under-class, clothing the impoverished or flying around with Al Gore on his Green Jet? Please remove this toxic and most unnecessary commentary from the pages of your newspaper like you have removed most of the other pages from your newspaper. It is a smalltown outrage.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!

Good sentiment.

Liberal duplicity has gotten way beyond the pale.


May 15, 2009 at 5:25 AM  

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