Saturday, August 29, 2009

Nobel vs. Noble

It is old news that former vice president and senator from Tennessee, Al Gore, won the Nobel Prize in 2007 (along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.’ Although I found this news troubling I dismissed it as nothing more than political correctness at its lunatic fringe. Until today, when I finally stumbled across the remarkable story of Irena Sendlerowa (Irena Sendler.)
I will not go into detail about Irena’s life other than to share with you that as a young woman in Warsaw, during the darkest hours of Nazi occupation of her beloved Poland, she single-handedly rescued over 2,500 children from harm’s way and assured their escape from certain torture, enslavement and death. (I would encourage you to read this amazing story at Irena was caught in the act of her merciful mission and subsequently beaten – the Nazis broke both her arms and legs – starved, interrogated and imprisoned. Miraculously, she survived the war and lived a long life succumbing to pneumonia in May 2008 in Warsaw. She was 98 years old.
Here’s what causes my personal global warming: Apparently Ms. Sendler was a candidate for the mighty Nobel Prize. Her competitor? Yes, that’s right – Al Gore – huckster, hoax man, court jester, smooth-talking maniac, medicine man, carnie. Oh my goodness.
Good night Irena – I’ll see you in my dreams.


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