Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Three Shots Rang Out

I got lucky in the lottery draft of 1969 – my number was 235. I did not have to report for duty in 1970 when the United States of America was deeply involved in the conflict in Vietnam. I have stood and wept at The Memorial with a trophy in my hand – a trophy bearing the name of Donald Kilpatrick – a former soccer player in my high school who died in the east. My daughter etched his name in charcoal and gave it to me for a birthday gift one summer. I cried, again. Such waste, such spoil, such heartache. It is both odd and inspiring that support for our military seems to survive. No matter the political posture, we Americans understand the need for and support for those brave few among us that stand and serve. Should you ever wonder about their adeptness, quality, focus, ability, preparedness or willingness to serve, I would remind you of this: on high seas, in raft boats, 3 Navy Seals fired 3 shots, brought down 3 despicable human beings and rescued an innocent American citizen doing his job. Please pay attention to America at its best!


Blogger Unknown said...

I did better....I was 365......no shit

But I would have been writing from Banff otherwise from an Igloo

Knew a SEAL from 'Nam who I played doctor with in the early 90s....

A narcotics cop challneged his decision not to return him to duty since he was still hurtin' and BW had nothing to gain whereas the cop had drugs and cash in waiting....

So BW told the cop, "Alright, put your gun in the middle of the floor here and we will see who get's to it first"..a true fitness for duty eval...cop didn't take him up....we laughed our balls off and he whined to his chief who felt BW was not PC but agreed with BW's judgment.


April 15, 2009 at 11:20 PM  

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