Friday, October 26, 2012

Now That I'm a Racist

I am a white, conservative male in The United States of America, which, according to MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and the-going-out-of-print Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter, makes me a racist. 
I never wanted to be, acted as or knew I was a racist until this week. I am 60 years old; why did it take me so long to know this and why did it take two white guys about my age to point this out to me? I am humiliated. I really don’t want to be a racist; it’s an awful thing to be. I don’t want to be a murderer, a psychopath, a drug dealer, a child abuser, an alcoholic, a Satanist, a thief, the antichrist, an arms dealer, a pervert, a porn producer, a woman hater, a welfare basher or a living, breathing, walking, talking demon of hate. I am so sorry. 
Should I suggest that Mr. Matthews and Mr. Alter are arrogant, elitist, race-baiting, over-compensated, loud-mouthed, out-of-touch, politically incapable, incompetent, bile-spilling “journalists” I would also be deemed something worse, I suppose—a Republican. 
Well, these fellows can spew anything they wish. They are burying themselves in the Great Pit that buries all Liars and throwing the dirt upon themselves. The good news is that they are so impressed with their own minds and tongues that they have no concept of their ineptness. Their current perch upon The Throne of American Journalism will soon be toppled. 
Who are these so-called “men?” Was there not a bar of soap in their childhood homes that should’ve been shoved into their deceitful little mouths? Who raised them and why have they turned out to be so loud and so wrong? Yes, if they can accuse me and countless other guys like me, I can ask those questions! I am utterly offended by these across-the-board, generalized and ugly accusations. Why, because I’m a Republican, defensive racist? No, because I’m neither.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this time Matthews has nary a black on his staff...rumors persist that he will hire one eventually.

November 24, 2012 at 1:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


December 15, 2013 at 9:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


December 15, 2013 at 9:17 AM  

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