Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Glass Debt Ceiling

An old man was on his deathbed following 30 years of failing health. Throughout his steady regression no doctor, medicine, witchcraft, health food, exercise, prayer, money or love could restore him. He simply slipped further and further into ill health. And now here he was: old, tired, burdened, weaker than ever and unable to care for himself.
His family gathered ‘round him one afternoon in a solemn effort to make some very difficult decisions. The inevitability of this moment had weighed upon them for a long time but they each found ways to avoid it. Now the time had come and something had to be done. They had two choices and they were both distasteful: prolong the agony or pull the plug and see what happens. The old man had grown so weak he was unaware of the circumstances. From his perspective the shadowy figures standing in his room may very well have been strangers, enemies, foreigners or even people that wished to do him further harm.
The End
. . . . . .
Glass ceiling has a bad image. At this time in the history of our beloved country I wish I could change that. It would be good to see the consequences of the conclusions our most inept politicians make in early August regarding our government’s ability to borrow more money. Many claim to know the calamity that will surely and immediately follow a decision to keep the debt ceiling where it is. Others seem to be willing to take the risk and escalate the inevitable. I, for one, have no blooming idea. I will say this: Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke belong to the Calamity Group (this is appropriate on many levels) and I have witnessed them fail at every turn. If our politicians set new and higher limits on our borrowing ability you can rest assured that Old Ben will have the printing presses fired up within seconds of the vote. More fake money, more real debt.
My hunch is this: ‘His family gathered ‘round him one afternoon in a solemn effort to make some very difficult decisions. The inevitability of this moment had weighed upon them for a long time but they each found ways to avoid it. By the end of the day they had each found another way to avoid it.


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